Who am I?

My name is Martijn Wouters and I'm an 20 year young e-developer who currently resides in the beautiful town of Vosselaar, Antwerp, Belgium. I graduated from high school in 2004 and this year I'll (hopefully) graduate with a degree in Applied Information Technology.

I'd like to consider myself a driven person who's been creating and designing web pages since 1998 and strives to make sure that as many people as possible can visit the web pages, irrespective of the OS or browser they're using. I prefer using PHP in combination with MySQL to generate XHTML 1.0/CSS compilant code, but in the past I've also written pages using ASP in combination with Microsoft Access. Feel free to take a look at my portfolio to view some of my programming & design skills.

Because I know you're eager to find out more about me, here's a list of things I like:

Surely there's also a list of things I dislike:

Tools I use (or have used) frequently in my every day life:

Known languages: